Tail Waggers Charitable Foundation is a group of community leaders coming together to assist, sustain, and reach the best life for dogs in need.
We provide funding to area shelters, canine organizations, and therapy facilities in order to give life, potential and opportunity to our beloved dogs.

Meet some of our rescues!
Click the images below to read their stories.
When you are a dog lover, it's hard to imagine how anyone could abuse or neglect a four-legged friend. They are amazing loyal, loving companions. Yet all too often we hear of dogs who are under served, abused, neglected, and forgotten. Some of the lucky ones find their way to shelters and rescues where they are given another chance at a happy ending and can be adopted into fabulous, loving family homes.
These stories are what formed Tail Waggers Charitable Foundation (TWCF). We are a group of community leaders coming together to help sustain and maintain the well being of dogs in our various communities. Not only do we all love a happy ending, but these rescue stories are a real, heartwarming testament to the spirit of people out there who are willing to give a dog a new chance at life. Many of these dogs have great obstacles to overcome from their past trauma, and it's wonderful to hear about adopters who work through it and show unconditional love to their rescue dog. Saving a dog isn't always easy, and sometimes you need to gain a dog's trust. But the love and loyalty that you get back once you earn that trust will come back to you forever.

On the Thursday prior to Memorial Day of this year, 2021, I saw a picture of Freedom. Her picture absolutely stole my heart. I filled out an application with Florida Pointer Rescue that day and I was accepted by the next morning. I met her at 1pm that day and we immediately bonded. A hole in my heart was immediately healed. I thought I was rescuing her, but in reality… she was rescuing me.
I have a beautiful rescue cat named Belle who I have had for two years. She is a wonderful cat, but I couldn’t really take her anywhere with me. I had been thinking about getting a dog to become more of a companion. I was kind of lukewarm about it as I knew I’d love one, but I didn’t know if the timing was right. But when I saw Freedom’s picture… I knew the timing was perfect.
Freedom and I go lots of places together. She goes to work with me… goes out on dates with me to dog friendly patio restaurants… the beach… parks… walks… she loves to ride in the car.
Freedom is the most loving, smart, and fun dog I believe I have ever had. She is a Catahoula Pointer mix (I had no idea what a Catahoula was at that point). She has one blue eye and one brown eye. Everyone that sees her just has to say how pretty she is and wants to pet her. She loves everyone she meets and wants to play with any dog she meets.
When I found Freedom, I learned she was rescued from Louisiana by the lady who runs Florida Pointer Rescue. Freedom was about to be put down and was saved by this kind lady who then, one week later, posted her picture which I alluded to earlier. I can’t imagine why anyone would ever consider putting Freedom down. But… by the grace of God… she is free to live a comfortable life with someone who loves her beyond what could be imagined.
Freedom brought me a new freedom in my life. We are very much in love with each other. There are many other “Freedoms” out there needing a home. I highly encourage you to consider it. If you take the leap of faith, you’ll thank me later. I suspect… you’ll find a new freedom of joy in your life.
-Ridge Sink

Rescuing a dog can require patience, both in finding the right dog for your life, and patience to help that dog overcome their past trauma. The love and patience you put out will reward you many fold, as in this story:
“We adopted Lady in October 2019. We had been looking for a second dog for a month, and we were having some trouble finding a good fit for our home. We visited our local humane society and that!s where we found Lady. She was dropped off a few months before and had a horrible case of heart worms. Knowing how much the surgery was going to cost our family was running out of options for Lady. She didn’t come with a credit card or any cash to pay for her much needed treatment. We were devastated. As a family we felt powerless for Lady. A few days passed and a fateful phone call from the shelter flashed on the caller ID. To my surprise, the benevolent people from Tail Waggers covered the cost of Lady’s treatment and saved her life!
Lady was very timid at first. She still jumped at big noises and shook when she thought she was in trouble. It took a lot of unconditional love, fun adventures, kisses and training to finally break her out of her shell. Still grateful and thriving healthy Lady was on her way to prosper.
Now, she is an energetic and playful monster. She spends most of her day running around and then cuddles up with us at night. She still hides behind me when she meets new people, but it doesn’t take her long to open up and start giving sloppy kisses.
Lady reminds us that good things come to those who wait… to have faith in the kindness of others.
We almost gave up on adopting a Lady because we couldn’t afford the heart worm treatment. Because of Tail Waggers it feels like we were meant to be. She balances our crazy pack, and she brings so much love into our home. She keeps us adventurous and young at heart. I can!t imagine why someone would give her up, but, I!m so glad they did because it brought her into our lives. Thank you Tail Waggers”

So many people failed this poor pup. It’s a testament to the resilience and spirit of dogs that they can overcome so much mistreatment from humans and still be able to love and relax into a happy home.
My name is Sugar and this is my story.
I was a rescue dog in Florida. I didn!t have the best start in life. I was taken from my litter when I was a baby and was forced to breed with other dogs for cash, but because I didn!t like the dogs, my owners put me into a dogs shelter. I was then rescued by a student who left me on my own for hours and hours, he wasn!t nice at all. i never got fed, i use to get so anxious when he left, i was never walked or played with other dogs, i never got the chance to play with toys or have cuddles or love… and he use to be beat and abuse me if i did something wrong. So back to the shelter I went after an agonizing 8 months!
Back to the drawing board… it was obvious I needed care and support while in the shelter. I was allergic to normal dog food and didn’t understand how to play with others. The kind people from Tail Waggers Charitable Foundation helped fund my healthy diet, rehabilitation and surgeries. After a few months, I felt better. I got to learn how to play with other puppies and got special treats to keep me calm cool and confident.
A few weeks after, I was then rescued by my new family and they loved me for all my wiggles and flaws. They took me into their home and I knew I found my forever family.
I am so thankful I had the opportunity to learn, live and love through the support of Tail Waggers.”

Daisy had a rough start in life when she and her siblings were dumped at a high kill shelter at 7 months old with distemper. Sadly her sister didn’t make it but Daisy and her brother fought hard and after a couple of months of fighting, they were out of the woods and began healing from this awful disease.
Daisy has weak back legs from the neurological damage distemper did to her but she has thrived in her foster homes over the years and runs and plays like all her friends. She just doesn’t “look” perfect so she gets passed up. We try and tell adopters that none of us are perfect and that her sweet soul will out weigh her imperfect legs but for years no one has adopted her.
This past Saturday, a special organization, Tail Waggers, gifted the funding to get Daisy the proper leg therapy she needs to walk. Within months Daisy was hopping around and fetching treats from her therapy treatments! We are SO happy for Daisy! She has recently been adopted with her forever family and has a new BFF with a huge yard to run, jump and play! This will help Daisy become even stronger giving her the life she was meant! Thank You Tail Waggers for giving Daisy the opportunity to shine!”